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Devi modificare una foto? Aggiungere un testo o coprire un particolare? Se ti bastano filtri semplici potrai utilizzare con soddisfazione Paint.Net, pratico ed open-source, ma al tempo stesso potente per la maggior parte degli usi casalinghi.

Guida su installazione ed uso di

Pagina ufficiale:

Scarica Gratis Paint.Net nella versione con installer web o portatile:


Termini di licenza

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software (the "Software"), to use the Software without restriction, including the rights to use, copy, publish, and distribute the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so.

I run a website where I mirror lots of freeware programs; may I also mirror the "Classic" release of Paint.NET?
Yes, so long as you do not charge for access to your website, you may absolutely do this. Redistribution of the "Classic" release of Paint.NET is permitted so long as it is free-of-charge.